Investigative Journalism
I never
expected this one. I prefer writing Humor.
I've been
instructed by an Officer of the Court to publish what I have
.. after an
election she attended. Involving a million dollar
Treasury. And I already have letters from my
Congresswoman and our Secretary of State.
My Candidacy
(a "coming of age" story)
"How may I help you ... SIR" |
Who's this?
who became an
anachronism to his own profession
That "flash of Integrity"
(that's always extinguished).
Whatever happened to it? |
An anonymous whistleblower's first question to
whoever picks up the phone:
"An Oath of Office"
("getting back to basics")
Lee Sturtevant
(Policy Aide to
Supervisor Ken Yeager):
"Yes, all county employees must take an
oath of office
when they start working for the County." |
"What *is*
Mental Health?"
.. in whole"
They have my sympathies:
May 30, 2008 Hooray! They're back! I
don't believe it.
It took me months (if not years) to recover when it
happened to me.
Code of Civil Procedure
Class action:
Sections 378 - 384
Section 379 "reverse
class action"
Actually all you
need to know is the "lawyer summons"..
Section 382
"which side are you on?"
"turning state's evidence"
(defendants turned into plaintiffs)
Defendants: a line of accountability up to the "circle on top":
An Assembly, House, Senate,
Congress, Council
or Board of:
Directors, Trustees, Supervisors, Commissioners, Delegates, Governors, Regents
"Summoning one's
A "writ of mandamus"
Failing Regulatory Bodies
cy pres awards, grants,
"feed the starving children!"
"What is 'cy
?" you ask?
Doling Out Other People’s Money
(where does the money go? .. who has it? .. how much is
how do you find out? you "knock on the door". And ask
for food.
Whereupon you're given an address of another door to knock upon.
and another and another ..
until you hear:
"drive over to this address next Monday between 6 and 8pm"
And: "take a ticket"
"We can't help you"
Call someone else..
"We don't do that anymore"
"We don't take these kinds of cases"
"Leave a (i.e. another) message, someone will get back to you"
"I don't know"
"Please hold.."
"I can't give you my last name"
"Send a letter to.."
Until you see the sign on the door that says:
Permanently CLOSED by the statute of limitations.
"showing an interest"
When that salivation is missing, it's an audit.
And an audit upon ALL their houses.
"the cupboard is bare".
Section 384: "paved with good intentions"
Even a
"Mother Teresa" would never qualify for funding under it.
Why can't I find a pro-bono lawyer?
Chief Justice Ronald M. George in his State of the Judiciary
address in 2001:
the motto ‘and justice for all’ becomes ‘and justice for
those who can
afford it,’ we threaten the very underpinnings of our social
"Send more money!"
the lobbyists beseech for their vested interests.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
It's called malpractice. Not Justice.
How about "product liability".
The Judiciary is there to produce a product. Called
It comes with an
implied warranty of fitness.
Something called a "Code of Ethics". An "Oath of
Office" or something.
With the "Justice
Inspectors" on the end of the assembly line scrutinising
for defects.
"I want my money back!"
We should ALL be demanding it back from these "We
can't help you" charities.
Every helpless litigant abandoned by their indigence should.
"Law Stamps"
Food stamps can be very efficient and effective at
solving the problem.
"pro-bono" (translation):
"Please leave a message at the beep. Someone will get
back to you."
probono me. And don't probono thee,
Probono that lawyer hiding behind the probono tree"
don't work for free"
(at least he was
honest about it).
"You better publish!"
First Papers
2 Megs - filed with an incomplete
list of parties
Amended #1 (filed)
with additional parties and
(hoping it was complete)
you. It was good to hear it.
And for the first time ever. From
anyone. |
Amended #2
(not yet filed, I'm trying!)
You wouldn't believe the "cast of
characters" in this Epic.
It must all be filed and served by Oct. 15, 2008.
CMC is (re)-scheduled for Oct 28, 10am. Dept.
A "Code of Ethics"
In Japan, a CEO bows low under the
criticism of those they have offended. In public.
"The Coin of the
Realm in the world that I live in is called
It is bought with deeds. Not words and excuses."
(stay tuned..)
can't fix it ..
or maybe you can.."
thanks for coming
up with that
"flash of Integrity"
A "Statute of Limitations"
(it's 1-3 years and is "tolled" 1 year from
it's discovery)
It compels one to act as it says "speak now or forever hold your
(because memories fade over time and become unreliable)
Amnesia Epidemic
A Request for Admission
(March 16, 2007)
My problem is that I'm slow.
The "cover sheet":
Complex Civil cases must be e-filed.
And I can see why. The paperwork alone becomes overwhelming.
e-filing: another learning curve, more time..
"You might sue because you have too many
unanswered questions" I said.
You might sue for your own mental health. Having been made ill
from all that you have learned about a system
(including institutions you believed in) that was supposed to
make you well. Most often money *does* make it work
Because you pay for what you want. It's only when you no
longer have control of it that it malfunctions.
Why does it always decode as money?
Why not sex or some insane obsession (like Capt. Ahab in "Moby
Dick") or something?
"Puzzles" fascinate me -- "why is it broken?".
Most people in this world are well-intentioned. And
" imperfect world.." -- thanks calling and acknowledging it, it
meant a lot to me.
Alas, all to much to write.. stay tuned.. more to come..
12/26/07, 1/16/08 |
Here's another one:
"Why won't they tell me their last name?"
Or transfer me to someone
who will. It's like they're all wearing masks.
A corporation with
revenues in the billions: 'Just tell me your last
name' -- that's all.
Why?? When a
policeman pulls you over, he wants to know who you are: your
full name, license number and where you live. All I
want is their last name. Why aren't these people
licensed anyway? (stay tuned..) |